For drying and pressing bed sheet, quilt cover, fable cloth , bath towel and so on.
适用于床单 、 被套 、 台布、浴巾、毛巾等织品的熨平、烘干.
互联网Organza Bath Towel 6 Pcs. For bathing.
——期刊摘选Please bring a good sun cream, swimming suit and the bath towel.
请带上好的防晒油 、 泳衣和浴巾.
互联网Plastic muffler or big bath towel to put at the front chest.
互联网She dried herself with a bath towel.
互联网I use the bath towel every day.
互联网Various size of towel include hand towel, face towel bath towel , blanket, and cleaning towel.
毛巾的尺寸包含手巾, 面巾,浴巾和毯子等.
互联网Bath towel, adaptor, mineral water, shopping bag, toothbrush, a baby - sitter, pressing service after 11 pm.
浴巾 、 插座 、 矿泉水 、 购物袋 、 牙刷 、 婴儿床 、 晚11点后的加快洗衣服务.
互联网E . Fix the bath towel wreath on the base with the M 5 inner hexangular set screw.
互联网Detail Make of acrylic board , Top Sprinkling, Bath towel rack, Nozzle massage, Water faucet , Handled sprinkling.
功能说明顶头花洒,压克力制, 浴品架, 按摩喷头, 水制开关, 花洒.
互联网Bath towel, adaptor , mineral water, shopping bag, toothbrush, a baby - sitter, pressing service after 11 pm.
‐浴巾 、 座、泉水 、 物袋 、 刷 、 儿床 、 11点后的加快洗衣服务.
互联网Fix the down bath towel shelf on the base with the M 5 inner hexangular set screw.
互联网Fix the up bath towel shelf on the base with the M 5 inner hexangular set screw.
互联网Detail Make of acrylic board, Bath towel rack, Water faucet, Mirror, Handled sprinkling.
功能说明压克力制, 浴品架, 水制开关, 镜子, 花洒.
互联网According to the tentative cargo plan, we should first load the Dar es Salaam bath towel.
根据配载图, 我们应先装达累期萨拉姆的浴巾,但现在八幡的青岛贝雕已错装到了那里.
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